Friday, May 7, 2010

The Great Event

The call went out across the star strewn heavens. The clarion Voice echoed through the canyons of the Milky Way and star systems not known by mortals millennia after the Great Event.

The call was just that, a call. No explanation, just a command to gather in view of a place called ‘Earth’. A spinning blue and green orb suspended before a great star that the Earth knew as ‘Sun’.

It was beautiful to behold, even for us who had seen much more than the inhabitants of that world could have ever dreamed or imagined. It was a place where life had blossomed, not just a spiritual life but a full blown physical and intellectual life as well. A place of whole creation.

To look upon that place of life made even the strongest of us a little envious of the huge privilege bestowed upon the inhabitants, The Voice’s pinnacle of creative achievement. As we looked upon that world the song that had birthed it came to mind. That glorious creative moment when He, the Voice, sang it into being.

It was that Voice that had summoned us here for this ‘Great Event’. This time it was not a song of creation, or a song of summons. This time the Voice was a solemn and spoken one.

As I looked to my left and right thousands upon ten thousand of my kind were massed. Through light years we stretched encompassing the system in which Earth was orbiting its Sun. The atmosphere of the spirit hummed with power, unimaginable power. Each life around me pondering its present purpose.

The Voice spoke, “Look and see!” The words thundered and echoed through the massed ranks. Even the stars seemed to vibrate. Suns faded momentarily. Earth suddenly came into sharp focus and enlarged as if it were brought close before us in an instant. The stars disappeared and in their place sand, people, animals – a city.

In the street before us was a man, terribly beaten, carrying what seemed to be a large, heavy, roughly hewn piece of wood. A stirring of fearful suspicion rippled around those closest to me who I could no longer see, but knew they were there.

My being tensed, my senses focussed, my strength began to coil. The man managed to briefly look up as if to check his direction. His face was gone, or so it seemed, but the eyes, there was only one pair of eyes like that. Behind the pain burned determined love. It was Him. He who had gone from us, in terms of the time that governed this world, to live as one of them.

Love had left the heavens of the heavens and had gone to the place of hedonism and hate. Determined love had left His throne to serve those who would rule themselves so that they might awaken and see their folly. All they had seen was threat and they were now about to crush it.

Earth spun away. My fellows were once again in view. The Voice, ordered, “Observe.” I squinted in an attempt to focus my vision. A dark mist moved all around the Earth.

Again the earth shot forward. Again it was sand, people, animals – a city.

This time it was different. The shadowy mist was around Determined Love. It seemed to flow off and away from Him towards a gate and a hill beyond. I felt constrained to look upon the mist. It spoke, it laughed, it provoked, it incited. I knew that voice.

My memory spun back through the chapters of timeless eternity. That voice: It laughed, it provoked, it incited. Light went dark around me as some of those with me were provoked, were incited. Every third flame around me went out.

I was again in the city. My fellows began to understand as I had. Hands went for sword hilts. Cries of war began to rise in a trillion throats. Giant wings. Intense light. A command: “Stay your hands, warriors!”

I saw him. Huge. Intense. Warlike. His eyes flashed with contained fury tempered by respect for the Voice. The mist shivered, cowered and then rediscovered its purpose and cackled on through the gate.

Where was Determined Love? I saw His back, if that is what it was. Bloodied, ribs exposed, flesh hanging in strips. My fury was about to break its bonds. Intense Light flashed in my direction, “Steady,” was the unchanged and now restricting and frustrating command.

On the hillside Determined Love looked towards the heavens. Had He seen me? Was He calling me? “Steady.”

I saw a spike go through His wrist, then the other. Determined Love swallowed the pain. Not a sound. I felt the tears upon my face, burning so hot they threatened to scold. “Steady.” A third spike through His feet. Pain was given no voice.

All the while the swirling mist taunted Determined Love. Dividing itself momentarily, the mist came up from below me and hissed its mockery, reminding me of the moment the flames went out. “Steady.”

The sound of a heavy weight falling into a hole refocused my attention. Through my hot tears I saw, suspended, Determined Love. He hung between heaven and earth belonging in that moment in neither. The mist howled its derision. My whole rank took a step forward. Determined to take a second, a third. “Steady.”

Adultery, homosexuality, murder, hatred, gossip. One after another the crimes of the pinnacle of creation were hung around the neck of Determined Love. That body, already destroyed by torture, took on diseases that the pinnacle of creation had allowed to spawn through his rebellion.

The mist was only the smallest distance from the eyes of Determined Love. Derision and mockery flowed like a foul odour. Intense Light seemed to ignore a thousand thousands of hands on sword hilts, but any intended movement forward was quashed with a firm, “steady.”

Darkness. A howl. A cry. Abandonment. A call for Father. No reply. Eternity stopped. Dark.

A cry. Death was under control. Determined Love decided the moment. The mist cowered. Sin fell away. Disease died. It is finished. Light.

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